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I am a Philadelphia-based academic editor providing writing support and coaching to faculty and doctoral students in business schools. My editing work focuses on:


  • Efficacy: motivating the paper, positioning the work in the larger literature, identifying contributions

  • Structural help: creating a logical flow and a clear story

  • Style: cutting to fit length requirements, tightening for better flow, editing for more active and clear language


Currently, I head the writing support program for doctoral students at The Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania, and provide the same service to doctoral students at INSEAD in France and Singapore.


I write and edit books, business cases, and academic articles, and have been a contributing writer to Knowledge@Wharton, an online business publication. In addition, I was the copy editor of the Academy of Management Perspectives journal from 2006-2020.


I hold a bachelor’s degree in English Literature from Gettysburg College and a master’s degree with a concentration in Technical Communication from Drexel University, where I have taught Technical Communication to undergraduates. 

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